Contribution to Local Communities
Toyotsu Chemiplas has been engaging in a wide variety of activities to help develop local communities.
Initiative sending picture books to children in Asia
Toyotsu Chemiplas has since 2015 been taking part in an initiative run by the Shanti Volunteer Association sending Japanese picture books with translation stickers to children in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar (Burma). In 2019,around 300 employees of the Toyota Tsusho Group took part and sent nearly 300 picture books to refugee camps in Laos.
Initiative sending picture books (Shanti Volunteer Association)

Initiative sending brain training puzzle toys to children in disaster-hit areas
As part of relief efforts in response to the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, we engage in an activity that makes brain training puzzle toys featuring colorful patterns based on four color masking tapes applied onto 3-cm wooden cubes and provides them to nursery schools in afflicted areas.
In 2019, around 94 employees of the Toyota Tsusho Group took part and provided toys to a disaster-hit area in Fukushima Prefecture.

Morning Clean activities(Morning Clean)
We conduct road cleaning activities around our branches and offices.