Toyotsu Chemiplas: A Working Environment that is Worker-Friendly
Toyotsu Chemiplas Health Declaration
Employees’ mental and physical health is the company’s most important asset.
Toyotsu Chemiplas understands that it is important to maintain and improve the health
of each of its employees for the realization of its Corporate Philosophy.
With our president being ultimately
responsible for health management, we
endeavor to create a workplace environment where our staff are able to work in good mental and physical health.
Behavioral Guidelines
- 1. We will endeavor to improve employees’ health literacy.
- 2. Considering each individual staff member, we will carry out the necessary measures and examine their effect.
- 3. We will carry out heath actions for the future.
Masato Ozaki
On March 11, 2024, we were selected by the 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program. Through the program, the Nippon Kenko Kaigi honors corporations implementing outstanding health and productivity management.
Health and Productivity Management Strategy
We promote health and productivity management by identifying the management issues we want to solve and the expected effects, and understanding how those factors are linked with specific health initiatives.
Health management implementation system
With our president being ultimately responsible for health management, we endeavor to promote health management with the goal of creating a workplace environment where our staff are able to work in good mental and physical health.
When promoting these initiatives, we endeavor to adopt effective measures through cooperating and engaging in dialogue with the Human Resources & General Affairs Department, experts (industrial physicians and nurses), the Toyota Tsusho Health Insurance Association, and the Safety and Health Committee.
*Safety and Health Committee
Labor and management work together to investigate and discuss ways to prevent dangers or health hazards to workers.We report on the points raised during workplace inspections and the details of improvements, making every efforts to develop a safety and healthy working environment.
Occupational Safety
We conduct traffic safety training, have workers attend driving classes at a driving school when they are required to operate commercial vehicles, and endeavor to ensure the occupational safety of employees. We also conduct training in the form of other safety education activities with the aim of improving employee sensitivity to hazards.
In FY2023 there were no industrial accidents (including fatal accidents).
Figures reflecting health management initiatives
General Comments
Health checkups revealed that the smoking rate is getting better, but BMI (obesity and thinness) has not shown improvement, suggesting that actions are necessary to maintain health and prevent disease.
To improve BMI data, we offer a program to encourage habitual physical exercise through walking events, hold seminars hosted by an occupational health physician, and provide an incentive program for non-smokers in collaboration with the health insurance association. As a unique in-house measure, we have also started offering prizes to employees who have stopped smoking and assistance for smoking cessation clinic visits.
Details of measures
Employee health
Regular health checkups
Our employees are required to undergo regular health checkups. Therefore, all our employees receive health checkups.We recommend that employees with a high risk of lifestyle-related and other diseases visit a medical institution and receive health guidance.
Stress checks
We carry out stress checks annually. There are opportunities for employees to learn about their mental condition and, when it is discovered that their stress level is high, quickly begin addressing it themselves. Employees with high stress levels are interviewed by the occupational health physician or the health nurse.
Measures to reduce overtime work
We monitor the overtime hours that employees work, and, when we identify employees who are working a lot of overtime, we will discuss measures to address the situation. Any employee regularly working too much overtime is subject to a health check including a consultation with an occupational health physician.
Encouraging employees to take paid leave
We share an example of long vacation plan that includes the summer and other holidays in an effort to encourage employees to take paid leave.
Countermeasures to lifestyle-related diseases
We offer specific health guidance in collaboration with the health insurance association as a step toward addressing metabolic syndrome.
Anti-smoking measures
We started closing down smoking rooms in a phased manner in 2015. From April 2020 onwards, we no longer provide any indoor smoking rooms.
We have been providing assistance for smoking cessation clinic visits since FY2023.
Complete medical checkups
We have a financial support program that enables employees to take complete health checkups without any cost to them personally.
Balance between medical care and work
The occupational health physician, the health nurse, the Human Resources & General Affairs Department, and workplaces will work together to provide support to enable employees to balance medical care and work.
Workplace revitalization & work-style reforms

Well-being Challenge
For FY2023, we continued to organize the Well-being Challenge with the goals of stimulating communication and establishing physical exercise habits.
There were 185 participants (a participation rate of 34.2%), showing an increase in participants each year. (FY2022: 28.2%, FY2021: 17.4%)
The ranking of total number of steps taken was announced and walking photos were shared during the two midterm reports, helping to revitalize exercise and communication.
Changes in the perception of exercise were also measured to survey the health literacy of employees.
The results of a questionnaire we conducted showed that 92.1% of employees intended to continue with the habit of exercise in response to the Well-being Challenge.

Health seminars
We organize seminars to improve employee health literacy.
■Nursing care seminar
An outside expert explained public and private nursing care services and there were explanations of the Company’s regulations regarding nursing care leave and examples of people balancing nursing care and work (2021: 149 participants, 2023: 129 participants)
■Health seminar for women
The occupational health physician and the public health nurse shared information about health issues specific to women (2021: 81 participants, 2022: 136 participants, 2023: 98 participants)
A video was distributed in FY2023, offering information to employees who were unable to attend on the day of the seminar.
■ Health management seminar
We held seminars to deepen employees’ understanding of health management. (Aug. 2023: 59 participants, Dec. 2023: 338 participants)

Club Activities
Currently, the Tokyo baseball club is active.
Work-style reforms
We have introduced a program for working from home and a flextime working program to enable our staff to work flexibly. At workplaces, we are gradually introducing a hot desking system at our offices and using satellite offices in an effort to improve productivity.
Effects of Health and Productivity Management Initiatives
These health and productivity management initiatives have revitalized the workplace and led to improved communication between employees.
Fulfilling private lives & social contribution
Support for fulfilling private lives
We have introduced the WELBOX welfare service to provide employees with support enabling them to live fulfilling private lives.Under our refreshment leave program, employees are entitled to take a long leave whose length is determined by their length of service.

Contribution to society
Also in FY2024, we held an exhibition to think about marine plastic waste and conducted trash collection activities in a tidal flat in Kanagawa Prefecture.
We are actively participating in social contribution activities organized by Toyota Tsusho Corporation. They include picking up trash around offices and a project sending picture books to children outside Japan.
We also support the activities of the Toyotsu Fighting Eagles Nagoya, a professional basketball team.
Cooperation with Clients
Sharing our knowledge of health management and work-style reform initiatives with our partners became an opportunity for mutual growth as we exchanged information.

Measures to address COVID-19
We established a task force to prevent and stop the spread of COVID-19 infections.During the initial spread of COVID-19, we implemented work-from-home measures and restrictions on commuting to ensure both business continuity and the prevention of infection.

Childcare support
Toyotsu Chemiplas has been taking measures to help both male and female employees attain a balance between work and childcare. We will continue to promote workers’ understanding of working while rearing children and to develop worker-friendly working environments where both male and female employees can display their capabilities while raising children.
1)Acquisition of Kurumin certification under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
On March 13, 2023, Toyotsu Chemiplas acquired Kurumin certification for the second consecutive certification period following initial certification in 2019 under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Kurumin and Platinum Kurumin certification (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
2)Childcare leave
At Toyotsu Chemiplas, 100% of its female employees eligible for childcare leave had taken it while 58.8% of male employees entitled to take it had taken it (FY2023). All the female employees eligible for it took advantage of childcare leave. We are working to develop a workplace culture that helps male employees take childcare leave.
3)Spouse childbirth leave
Toyotsu Chemiplas has been running a program that entitles male workers to take a leave when their spouse gives birth since December 2017.Action Plans for General Business Operators
Toyotsu Chemiplas draws up and announces its action plans for general business operators in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children and the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace.
1) Action plan to support work-life balance
Action plan to support work-life balance
2) Action plan for female participation and career advancement
Action plan for female participation and career advancement