Fundamental Philosophy
Corporate Philosophy
We seek infinite potential through open and fair corporate activitieswith the goal of being a company that contributes to its employees’ happiness and the sustainable development of society

Management Policy
- We comply with the letter and the spirit of domestic and international laws as we aspire to be a good corporate citizen trusted by the international community.
- We give top priority to customer satisfaction and its improvement in carrying out our corporate activities to gain customer confidence.
- We maintain a global perspective and carry out market cultivation to build ties of harmony and mutual prosperity with everyone through our corporate activities.
- We untiringly explore innovative technologies to grasp the needs of the times and create new functionality and services.
- We respect our employees’ personalities and dignity to develop a sound, impartial corporate culture.
Code of conduct

Solution Hub Company
A trading company focused on technical proposals, working closely with customers in the automotive
and chemical industries, to identify their issues and solve them with the power of chemistry.
Toyota Tsusho DNA
- for us
Precious mindset
to be the base of our behavior
- Humanity
- Integrity
- for you
Important behaviors we accumulated
throughout our history and keep inheriting
- Gembality
- Live in Gemba
Face Reality
- for future
Aspirations to nurture
for our future
- Beyond
- Beyond Borders
Open up New World Together
Create Future